Blessing 2008

I am 14 weeks pregnant now and happy as can be. I've now passed the critical 12 weeks so I'm more comfortable to announce that we're having a baby. Baby is due next June and pray be to the Big Man that all goes well and baby arrives safely and healthy.
This week has been full on. We've been taking Mom and Fleur all over town and on Tuesday we drove through Nizwa saw the souk and the fort there before continuing on to the Wahiba Sands. We stayed at the Al Raha Camp which was very nice. The desert was just something else. The golden sands and bedouin camps al around as we drove through it to the camp was just magnificent. It was quite surreal. We were taken up a sand dune to watch the sunset and what a view. What a world that we live in that we get to watch the same sun set from different settings around the world and the experience is somewhat unique and yet familiar at the same time. Mom was like a child in the sand. It was fun to watch Mom make the most of the desert. We were due to slide down the steep sand dune in the camp land cruiser but Mom decided to do it on her behind and slid down all the way to the camp. It was hilarious. Alex took a video as Fleur and I enjoyed the slide down the dune with Awoud at the helm. It ws good fun indeed.


Fotu said…
Mommy Mega! Congrats suga :)

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