Holidays coming up

Summer is here in Oman. It's now past 40 degrees heat once again. Some days are super hot with dry heat and some just plain humid with heat. Today we made it to the pool at the club we're members at and enjoyed a good swim there until 11am. The pool is cooled which helps so when you're in the pool it's pleasant but if you decide to sit on the'll just swelter. I had a lie in while hubby was up with the awesome twosome. When we got back from the pool I made chocolate muffins for the nagging 5 year old!
Hubby and bubs are now at the shops getting some veges as we're low on them. Master 5 is knocked out and I'm trying to de-clutter, cook kids dinner and look I'm blogging instead eek. Ce la vie.
School is out in two weeks and we're off to visit family down south where it's winter. I think we'll get a shock coming from this heat but am sure we'll be fine. Can't wait to see mum and catch up with family we get to see. yay. 


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