Mrs Fix-It

The washing machine wouldn't complete a cycle which reminded me I hadn't cleaned out the drain in ages. So I did the usual cleaning of the drain and filter and of course it was full of sand, dirt, hair, coins, hair pins and a screw! I cleaned the barrel and the rubber lining and was shocked at how filthy it was. Totally disgusting. I remember trying to clean it before and was so put off that I thought surely it was time for a new machine. Then I remembered lovely Google! I googled how to clean it and wha laa, I found detailed instructions and even videos on how to maintain a washing machine and all sorts of models too! I found one using home goods like chlorox, and vinegar and I went to town with it all. After doing the 4 cycles just to clean and remove the smelly odour from the machine it was done. Then we concluded that we needed the service guys. After many calls around Muscat we got through to the right people. After the week-end the guys arrived and found the motor was broken and just replaced it for a price. It was way cheaper than buying a whole new machine so thank goodness to this service.
As I was on a fix it mode, I got out the right screw drivers and went to town with this nice looking wooden Salt grinder we had for years which we thought was broken not long after we used it. The pepper grinder still works fine but it always bothered me that the darn thing was expensive and for it to break so soon! Miser and I know haha. I took it apart washed it with warm soapy water with the hope that I wasn't screwing up a mechanism in the grinder. Then I remember google and sure enough I was on the right track. Happy I was that after all that time the grinder just needed a good clean and the right sea salt that doesn't have too much moisture in it that forms clumps and blocks the mechanism from grinding. At this rate I may not need a husband soon! heh heh.
I also managed to get the curtain people in from Al Khuwair and today they showed up and fixed our spanking new beautiful black out curtain for our bedroom. I'm so proud of it. The hubby had complained of the last curtain as it resembled those in hotels that he didn't like one bit. I chose the darn thing without realizing that I could choose any colour and they add the black out fabric to it. I guess the curtain people were urging me towards a sale too. Anyway goodbye boring curtain hello vivacious curtain. I just love how it goes with our four poster bed. Woo hoo a successful start to the week for this housewife. There are many curtain shops in Muscat and all over the place. I worked with others before but I liked these guys as they were friendly and listened to what I wanted. The last people from Ghubrah I worked with weren't very friendly and well their curtain opening mechanism didn't last long. So later to them.
The villa maintenance people just called that the painter will come in two days time to sand our bedroom wall and repaint due to leaking in the walls that have now enabled flora and fauna(ugh) aka green and white mold to appear on the wall.
Now onto painting my sons' black board on the spare room wall so they can write with chalk and draw what they like. Baby is now into drawing I'd rather he uses chalk than the white board markers on the white walls! And that's my exciting week thus far.
This week I recommend Sarco maintenance people for Samsung home appliances, in Al Khuwair the curtain shop Nasser Sulaiman Salim Al`Kindi Trading and my services to fix your salt grinders!


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