A Challenge: 4K Swim

I'm writing this down so I don't back out. There is a 4 km swim from an island off Muscat called Fahal island to PDO beach in May and well I've decided to take up the challenge and do it. I've never done this before and would love to do it. I wanted to run an half`marathon and then was told that it's not good to do so within 12 months post-op so later to that for now. So swimming it is. This is where I'm at. Started yoga again after eating my way through the holiday and trying to get back into a fitness routine. So I have to make time to train for the swim. And I have about 6 weeks to go. I have three friends that are also keen to take up the challenge and two of these friends have been training and are doing well. Needless to say I've yet to start training...positivity I can do this. Contact PDO if you're willing to do the swim in May, 2014.
Fahal swim here I come.


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