
The next day we headed into Heilbronn to have a look around. It was a lovely little city. Heilbronn is where hubby's forebearers came from and why they have that last name. One of the great grandpas dropped a couple of letters from the name to their current name. It was a beautiful sunny day so everyone was out and about, the cafes were busy. We walked around the town centre and went to the Experimenta Museum, a science museum for all ages in which our son had a ball. We were there all morning before we grabbed lunch and headed back to our hotel.

Our bikes were ready except Tau's one which was too big. The helpful receptionist called the bike guy who showed up with another bike which was still too big and then had us follow him to his workshop. He was mighty helpful and very lovely. 15 minutes later we were armed with the right sized bike and helmet for our little one and two good ones for us. Off we went bike riding down along the river. It was just so beautiful. I dreamt of doing that in European summer and well it's as good as the dream! In beautiful summer weather with greenfields all around and the river bordered by hills and castle tops in sight! I was in my happy place that half the time I didn't realise hubby and son had stopped a few times due to my son getting too tired from pedalling his little bike.  
We turned around at the end of one long stretch. I told my son there was a pub at the other end for an ice-cream and to the hubby a beer. We all happily pedalled back towards the sports club to which we enjoyed a few drinks before continuing on and then calling it a day. 
We had dinner at the hotel restaurant that evening which was just delicious. I ordered duck and it was just beautifully prepared. We went to bed happy that night.


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