Prague Day 4

Day 4
We decided to check out one of the museums and church that was pointed out on the tour the day before. We caught the metro to go back to the Castle but ended up further past it. We wanted to go back to Prague castle and see the museum there. Well we had to consult the map a few times to find where exactly the castle was to the stop we got off at. Once again we walked. Just as well because we came across the royal garden which was just magnificent with an old building that they were renovating. I love the historical beauty of Europe that is still evident today. 
The biggest hedge I'd seen in the Royal Gardens
Cathedral inside the Castle grounds
It's free to wonder around the castle grounds but to go into a museum within the castle grounds you have to pay. We chose the Story of the Castle museum which showcased bits and pieces which they discovered in the castle. I mean bits and pieces as these things were so old and broken. The later the discovery the more complete the items were. I wasn't overly impressed with the set up and what was available compared to other museums but I guess with the tumultuous past of the country and the castle itself there's not a lot that could be salvaged and then again they could be in other museums around the city! It didn't help it was a cold day and they do not heat the part of the castle with this was freezing inside the museum. After about an hour or so of wondering around we made our way to St Nicholas Church. Another beautiful church not far from Charles Bridge. Small but beautiful artwork inside with gold trimmings on the pillars and all. 
We made our way back into the town stopped at a puppet store to buy a puppet for our son. The guy at the shop asked where we were from. We tiredly said Samoa and he said "David Tua" ha. It's amazing how sports connect people. He also knew that we loved rugby! It was hilarious and so unusual. He was from Romania or thereof where the Klitchco boxing brothers are from he informed us! Onwards we went to look for the pub that was in the Lonely Planet that the previous president of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel loved to hang out. Apparently when Clinton went to visit Prague Havel invited Clinton to meet with him at this pub! However we were warned the tables would be full by 2pm and it was packed by the time we got there so we continued elsewhere. We made our way to another brewery restaurant not far from the Vtlava River Bank which had very good food and beer. We went back into Wecleases Square walked through different streets and just took in the air of Prague. At the Easter stalls they had these yummy sugared swirly bun type things that I couldn't resist. It looked as if it's an age old method and delicacy being revived as alot of the baking were done by young people! Enjoyed a munch here and there with a pint at the stalls before we went home later in the evening. 


Carole said…
Very nice post. Prague is on My Travel Bucket List
Malelega said…
Thanks Carole, you should really do it, it's beautiful and so is Budapest:)

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