One night in Samoa and possible abandonment Issues

Wowsers. We left Samoa on Jan 14th. Sad day but we were overstaying our welcome a bit in Samoa by then I think! Well not really but I was getting the 'when are you leaving?' question more than 'how are you?' so it was due time we made our way home to hubby_dearest. Plus my son was missing his daddy and our home. So amazing how impressionable a 3 year old is. I think I'm influenced by the old school thought of children don't know anything but now that I have a sirreee they know a lot more than we give them credit for.
After the Christmas rush and family saofa'i that wasn't was over I finally declared myself free to enjoy my time in Samoa. Thank goodness for sisters, sister-laws and for nephews and nieces my son was never out of playmates nor sitters. 
My bestie from my USP days in Suva was visiting to teach in Samoa along with dear friend from Italy so a reunion was in the cards. First stop dinner with the girls. We ate at Portofino Restaurant on the deck at the new Marina in Apia near the wharf. Beautiful spot watching the sunset as you sip your drink and enjoy catching up with friends. I ordered the sirloin steak with steamed vegetables and 5 stars to the chef, my steak was done to perfection and believe you me this steak muncher is very fussy when it comes to my favourite slab of meat. We went to Club X for the last hour and home after that. It was an awesome night catching up with old friends and making new ones.
So after a night out, my sister and I would go by my mum's and pick up my son to take him home to bed and by the third evening of doing this my poor child was having abandonment issues associated with mum's place! Can't blame him but well Mummy and aunty have got to have time out too! 
I loved how my son got to spend so much time with his many cousins and had to share everything or make up games with them as there weren't so many toys everywhere to keep them occupied. It was make your own fun or be bored and sit in the corner by yourself.


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