
My sister and I got a call from mother_dearest who was in Savaii that our beloved uncle Tuna* had passed with the instructions that we must go over to Aunty Sami's* house to see her and to find out the funeral plans. I was nervous as heck as I hadn't seen my aunty yet since I got back and just didn't know what to expect especially at such a time. CJ was driving and I in the passenger seat as we nervously chatted both not sure about what we were doing. As we drove into their driveway I was shocked to see someone who looked like my uncle in the lounge. My hand to my mouth in shock I said to my sister "Oh my gosh, he's in the lounge." My sister protested as she parked the car that "there's no way that she's going to view a dead body uncle or not." By this point I was in hysterics and she's looking at me as if I was crazy and insisted that she's not going in to see the old man as she just can't do it! In between my giggles I said "CJ Uncle Tuna is SITTING in the lounge very much ALIVE!!" To that she started laughing as well. So here we are parked in Uncle Tuna's driveway and we're now both in hysterics and yet our cousin has now come out of the house to see who it was that came to visit. I told CJ to hop out as I was in no way ready to face anybody until I stopped laughing. Awkward it was, I slowly followed my sister over to say hi to my cousin and make our way to say hello to Aunty Sami and Uncle Tuna who is happily chatting away in the lounge in his sick bed but very much un-Dead despite his delicate condition. 
*Names were changed to protect people's privacy and my ulu from getting ka-ed lol


Sisipeni said…
Lol! That's what I call a "good shock"! :) Hope Uncle Tuna gets better!

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