
We arrived in Auckland and my hubby's parents were awaiting us at the airport which was awesome for us especially for our little man who was very excited to see his nana and papa. We waited around for our friends from Dubai who were landing shortly after us and also to have a coffee and a breather. They arrived, we caught up quickly which was really cool and then made our way to a cousin's house who was hosting us that weekend. It was really nice meeting more people on my hubby's side and putting faces to the names. Sonny_boy had a ball with his cousins. 
Mom arrived and we made our way to Onemana beach in the Coromandel before Christmas. The bach we booked on was just awesome. It was walking distance to the beach and the place itself was immaculate with everything you could think off right down to a dish washer! That was Christmas for me just seeing that! They even had cleaning liquids and other necessities which made life easy for us. It took us 30 minutes to settle in before the rest of the family arrived and then we all hit the beach before it got too cold. Onemana is just breathtaking. It was quiet serene and just gorgeous. Near us was the one convenient store and by the big beach was a playground so that kept our little ones busy for hours along with playing on the sand and swimming.


Fotuosamoa said…
loved every moment (asking from the washing dishes)....and being pathetically sober as..hehe.
miss you guys!

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