Tau's Nana's 60th

It's the second day of the new year 2010 and what a fun filled trip this has been here to NZ. We arrived here on December 9th, 2009 from Oman and came straight to Wellington. It was a looong flight but sonny_boy was really good on the flight so it wasn't bad. There were lots of kids on the stretch from Dubai to Auckland so it was like a creche on the flight and Tau had many mates to play with. It was good because then no one could complain about a child as adults were almost outnumbered by travelling parents and grandparents. It was awesome. When we landed in Auckland my older sister, Aunty and cousin met us there for an hour for a short catch up before we continued on down here. We also had some surprise catch-ups with Alex's old work-mates. I recognized Rambo as he walked off a flight, he's also a pilot but for Jet Connect and he had flown from Brisbane where we'd just come from ourselves. Rambo gave us a lift to the domestic airport where he was heading to pick up another mutual friend and his family who live in Hong Kong and were only here to visit. So it was a mini reunion for Alex and his work-mates at the airport for half an hour before we caught our flight down here.
On Dec 12th it was Alex's Mom's 60th and it was held in a nice old house in Aro Valley in Wellington city. Most of the family and Sue's friends made it which was fantastic. A good time was had by all and the highlight was Aunty Theresa and Celia doing a reindition of one of the Abba songs which was down right hilarious and entertaining. Celia had costumes made for it and got everyone in the mood that even the most unlikely performers were up there doing their thing such as Uncle Lindsay and Uncle Alan. What a laugh and good time it was. Great speeches by the family and friends which summed up a hardworking and encouraging boss, supportive mother and aunty and a very generous nana!
Photos coming soon:)


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