Tau's 1st Birthday

We had planned to have Tau's brithday at the beach since it's prettier out there and the beach will keep the kids busy for hours. We were going to bbq on the beach and have a pig on the spit and celebrate till we drop. Come Saturday morning we woke up to heavy rain and heavy clouds. We thought it might be better on the other side of the island so my dear sister and nieces drove on ahead to hold a couple of fales for us before we all descends upon the chosen beach. Well we were constantly in touch and 'sister' called to say that it was stormy out at the beach. So a quick call around to the other family and my older sister suggested we do the birthday at their place since it's indoors away from the rain and in town. So I called all the cars that were heading towards the beach and everyone happily did their u-turns and headed back to town including us.
We kicked started the celebrations with games for the kids that even the adults joined in. It was just hilarious. Grandma lead most of the games and it was just good fun. Among my own family there must have been twenty kids of all ages. The kids enjoyed themselves but the poor birthday boy was teething and only had about 20 minutes of total enjoyment before succumbing to the pain and going to sleep for the rest of the afternoon. We had the food at about 2.30pm and the pig came off the spit yummy and scrumptious along with the lamb chops and sausages from the barbie, taro, luau and others. Great food and the cake was also yummy from Adria's. It was a fun party and I think everyone enjoyed it. Later on when everyone left, Tau went home with his nana and poppa and we(daddy, Aunty Relle and Aunty Nets, uncle Kilisi and self) went out to relax and celebrate Tau's first birthday our way. It was a nice night of sheer stupidity, laughs and catching up with cousins old mates and new people.
Thanks to everyone that made baby Tau's birthday a success: Grandma VMJ, Aunty Lani & hubby, Aunty Relle, Uncle Kilisi, Nana Sue n Poppa Jim, Aunty Nets, Aunty Vicky and Aunty Andrea.


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