
We spent the whole of June in Samoa and it was just beautiful. Tau and I arrived in Samoa on June 2nd and hubby arrived on the 9th. Unfortunately the holiday kicked off on a sad note due to the death of the sister of friends due to a car accident. Net was still in Samoa so we both went to the family service which was very touching and a beautiful celebration of her life. She was a beautiful girl that lived life to the fullest. I didn't know her well but were only friends on bebo. She was a very active member on bebo and now miss her constant updates on her busy social life and her love for her beautiful niece that she's left behind. I could not imagine the pain the family is experiencing at the sudden loss of their beloved sister and daughter. I pray that they are healing and coming to terms in some way with their tragic loss.
Nets and I went out a couple of nights to check out the local scene that we had missed out on in the past months! Nice to see that no one missed us and that everything was the same! I love go you come back and it's the same beloved people that keep the outing culture alive in paradise.
It was lovely to see mom and the rest of the family and friends whom we hadn't seen in awhile.
Row your boat
Jody sent her 2 year old daughter with hubby's parents for a week in Samoa with us. It was lovely having little MM over and by the time she left all the kids in the family were singing row row you boat and screaming at the end after being thrown overboard.
Village Politics
Savaii is as tranquil as ever at least in our neck of the woods...even more so as we are ostracized from our village..ha! Funny though most of people working at the hotel are from the said village so hmmm. The family dynamics haven't changed one bit and whether it is moving forward is yet to be seen. I guess the next few months will determine our status in the village. Funny though that the courts ruled that we are the rightful owners of the titles and yet one selfish man in the village who wants it all is driving the cowardly village matais to keep us out! Village politics is something else as well move aside John Key and the gang.
Road Switch
The road switch is set to go ahead in September and on the Samoan Observer Newspaper everyday is a government sponsored ad that counts down towards the switch date and with the message: 'your life is your responsibility!' Yes the government have passed a bill that they will not be held accountable for any lives lost due to any accidents that occur as a result of the road swith. Currently Samoans drive on the right side of the road but the government are changing it to the left side! Well I was appalled that they are spending so much money on this unnecessary switch and yet the state of the roads all over Upolu and in the township in Savaii is outrageous. Half the time you are trying to avoid the deep potholes on the add the road switch on top of that, there will be countless accidents unless the draw arrows all over the roads in Samoa and hope for the best:(


Sita Leota said…
It was also nice "meeting" you at V Bar that other night, and yes we are the bad ones keeping the da'ada'a culture alive here :) Haven't blogged in a good while though. Hope you had fun while you were here.


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