Survivor Samoa

I just watched the final episode of Survivor Tocantins which was filmed in Brazil. I actually enjoy watching this show. It's a live documentary of the Human Species at it's best and worst. So tonight JT the southerner won. He was a nice guy and he deserved to win much more than his 'BS artist' friend Stephen who could not tell the truth to save himself. Anyway in the end, most of those people end up lying, break people's trust just to get further in the game. It's a great show of how a million dollars affect people's decisions and the way they treat each other.
They've announced that the next show will be filmed in my beloved country SAMOA. I think it's great tourism exposure for Samoa but I wonder also about other factors that might affect the ecosystem there. For example what greenery are they going to clear in order to shoot the show and do the challenges. Watching the past shows, I always cringed at the use and abuse of nature by some of the competitors on the show. It just shows how different cultures and up-bringings affect people and how we perceive things. For example in one of the shows...I can't remember which exactly...but at the end when the remaining survivors were about to leave the 'island' they proceeded to burn the camp and everything they used. I couldn't believe it...
First of all- the danger to the environment, of causing a massive fire in the woods and the smoke itself billowing from the fire. Unnecessary pollution in an isolated area.
Second - such wastage, those items could have been used by others or locals in the area.
Anyway I look forward to the Survivor Samoa show and hope they are getting good advisors on cultural issues so I don't get pissed off when they don't explain something right. ha ha


D-XiaoK said…
That was the first and best survivor ever, Richard and the crazy lesbian truck driver held a 'closure' bonfire on the final night. And those bitches at Aggies cancelled my 2 weeks booking at the resort for Survivor. Never mind, might go to Savaii and stay with your family instead. I hear the food is good and company awesome.

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