
How I love the week-ends these days. I've just finished teaching the evening classes today. We had the final test today and the students were complaining that the test was hard though scanning their answers they were quite capable of answering all the questions. And then of course I have the other lot who just want to get the answers from their mates. What we call cheating they call helping each other!!! It's strange but its a different culture where being competitive is not really in their vocabulary. They would rather help the next person who's having difficulty. I think its great in other aspects but in the classroom it's a headache. Last week another teacher found out that her students were sharing answers via bluetooth on their mobiles during tests. ouch! I just disallow phones, talking and copying. Though they abide by the rules you can still catch some with their necks stretched over their mates' shoulders. I threaten to subtract marks and then I get one apology after another. Anyway it's the end of the week and am happy to relax and get much needed sleep.
Last week we went to Dubai to visit our friends up there for one night. Though it was short, it was good fun. We stayed with our friends for the night and had a good time catching up. The next day we managed to squeeze in a bit of shopping at the mall of the Emirates which is the biggest mall there. I've been there a few times already, but each time we seem to discover more shops because the place is so huge you can never cover it in one go. It was fun looking around and eating cinnamon croissants in the afternoon. This is the same mall with the skiing slope in it. Well finally we headed back to the airport to return home. The drive to the airport is normally 15mins without traffic but it took us about an hour due to heavy traffic. The traffic is something else but I guess every big city has that problem. It's lovely to visit Dubai to see it changing each time. We saw the highest tower getting higher and higher. Anyway as fun as it is up there with all its splendour and glory its nice to be able to get back on the plane and fly away to a quieter place. On that note I better hit the sack because it's late and I'm working in the morning. See you later bloggers.
Since I had this map tracking thing on my page it's interesting to see where in the world people are reading this from. Well to you all who tune in for whatever reason thanks for visiting and do add some comments to make it more interesting.
Tofa soifua.


Anonymous said…
Hi my lovely Samoan friend

Sorry we didn't get together this weekend - we still haven't had a chance to really chat about your work experiences!! So I've been readin your blog...

Hope to get together soon, have a great week and good luck at work!

Malelega said…
Well hullo to you too Miss Sth Africa. Yes we shall get together this week.
Take care and have a good week.
Anonymous said…
Mega you look like a china doll in these pics, you guys look very good.

love \ dee
Anonymous said…
Hi and thanks for the invitation to comment :) I'm one of the "anonymous" readers (in Seattle) and I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy reading your blog when I get a chance. I found it through other people's blogs...through other websites, etc. all whom I've found virtually. But we all have the common thread of "tagata Samoa" weaved through us. (I'm from Tutuila). Also I've taught ESL too here in the States, so reading your stories about your students are interesting :) And yes I too have experienced the "cheating" student syndrome. Hard to explain the rationale of testing sometimes to them. Anyway this is too long now! Thanks again and God Bless.
Malelega said…
Hey Sis Dee,
What China Doll hahaha! lol at that one. You were always the China doll with your gorgeous straight black hair haha! Good to hear from u.
Hullo Sleepless in Seattle, My cuz Dee is also in Seattle who also commented so what a coincident. Thanks for reading and yes it's always nice to hear your input too. I'm enjoying teaching at the moment but I'm now looking forward to the holiday in 2 weeks!
Have a lovely week-end.

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