Six more days to Christmas!

"And so this is Christmas..." to quote from a Christmas song... Here we go again. We're celebrating Christmas in Oman and missing home of course. Good though that we're working right up to Christmas to keep us busy from thinking of dear ones. Anyway we've already put up our tree and so we feel the Christmas spirit in our home now. It being a Muslim country, there's not too much Christmas spirit around, if I can say such a thing but we're getting together with friends to make our own Christmas fun and full of carol singing!!!
Hubby has been sneaking around once more so I'm left trying to figure out what he's getting me for Christmas. Keep at this rate and we'll have no life savings hahaha But bless him for his thoughtfulness and romantic spirit. We have just celebrated our second wedding anniversary. I came home from work to find a hot bath with candles burning ready for me to plunge into. Enjoyed that for a bit while my blessed hubby went to make us a lovely home cooked dinner. And I said a silent prayer of thanks for we are now embarking on another year together and very happy in our union. Amen.
I have now started at an institution teaching English to locals and other foreigners. My class at the moment are made up of all Omanis except for one Morroccan. They are a joy to teach and I must admit I am enjoying my first teaching job. They are polite and really enjoy learning which is great. One student has taken it upon himself to serve me tea during breaks though I refuse the offers outrightly but he just sets it on my desk:) Having said that I did one day with another class whom a few were a couple of spoilt brats. They started speaking their foreign language in the class loudly and it was like trying to control unruly children. In the end someone else took over the class to my pleasure and am quite happy with the two I have at the moment. On the week-ends I teach kids. I did not want to teach kids at first but their teacher had left on holiday. They are quite fun too and well behaved kids as long as there are activities to keep them occupied.
Hubby is working his shift hours and sometimes he comes home with a big smile and sometimes a scowl. Such is life in this world of ours, "we win some and we lose some." Let's just focus on counting our blessings for the moment.
In the meantime have a warm Christmas dear bloggers and readers and a Prosperous New Year. Ia manuia tele le Kerisimasi, ma se Tausaga Fou fiafia. Ia ae manuia le au inu pia...


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