December 2016

This year we're staying in Muscat for Christmas so we're making the most of it. A lot of our friends have left town to spend Christmas with their respective families so it's a bit quiet around here. School broke out last week so it was a little hectic as there were Christmas parties, fairs and kids programme's in school to attend and to remember things the kids had to take. There were also local charities to give to through the school so my mummy brain was busy trying to make sure everything was handed in on time and the right thing was given to where! Am sure everyone was apprehensive when the final day of school finally arrived.
Some sleep ins here and there and no school lunches for three weeks yay. Christmas fun has started at home. We've put up our tree and we've decorated here and there. We're hosting Christmas lunch this year inviting a few of our friends who are also staying back. So far we've had an outing on the beach yesterday with a few families and the kids had loads of fun. The big kids had fun with water guns running in and out of the waves and climbing trees and the little ones enjoyed sand play for hours. Came home with two tired boys and the little one went straight for a nap.
Preparing for our Christmas lunch is exciting. Trying to buy the right stuff for the food we're having so there's no stress. I did my Christmas shopping awhile ago so all good on that front.
Missing the family back home as we'd had Christmas with them the past 3 years. However it's also a relief to not be travelling during the busy season.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy NEW YEAR and prayers for those who are in need and in strife. We're never too far from the grips of despair. 


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