Alo, alo lau foe...

OK no paddles involved but went on a boat yesterday in the 42 degree Oman heat! We made a plan to be at the marina at 8am...and the islanders we all were we finally launched at 9am so it wasn't to bad. This was to beat the scorching heat as it is still the height of summer in this gloriously sunny region! All our boat drivers...hubby and two mates are kind of first timers to driving/captaining a boat so were trying out the speed of the boat much to my dismay and wished from the back seat that I had darts to play find the bulls eye on the captain's back! The sea was a bit rough so the ride left a lot to be desired. Basically I was just worried that my two year old would bounce off the boat and none of us had life jackets and they were sitting in the back of the car! Responsible parents we are not, but I blame the heat because we forgot some life saving sh!t in the car! We didn't forget the coolers with the beers though haha. It's all about hydrating in the heat. We found a quiet spot in Bandar Khiran parked up and had a fabulous time swimming. The kids and I swam with the aid of boogie boards to the beach nearby and had a little play there before returning to the deep near the boat.

The fun thing about going out in a boat in my virginal boating experience, is that you can swim and float in the deep right near the boat. Now better yet if you have inflatable toys to help keep you afloat and it's the best way to get a tan(sunburnt). The sun reflects off the surface as well so there's no escaping the sun's rays. To avoid getting burnt one must apply sunscreen every hour..this requires getting out of the lovely water and scrounge around the now mess of things strewn all over the boat for the suncreen that has now been heated in the sun and reapply. So you sit for a few minutes on the boat sweating profusely while the said sunscreen drips off you then you decide to bugger it and jump back in the sea. It also helps to wear a hat to protect thy pretty face. That is awkward while swimming but it does the trick.

One day I will take a fishing rod to see if we can catch bait or just to keep the kids busy for all of 10 minutes but something fun to do while out there. Anyway so we came off the boat all a bit red but with constant application of aloe vera we're good as gold this morning! Aloe Vera is the magic treatment for sunburn so I make sure we have stocks of the stuff plus it grows well here so we have it in the garden too! Soifua ma ia manuia


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