Change of Plans

I wrote a whole blog about staying put this Christmas and celebrating it at home the way we like it only for all that to be turned upside down, inside out when hubby's roster came out and he's working on Christmas and New Year! So off we go to Samoa to celebrate with my Mama or Granma to Tauilagi while poor hubby stays back to work throughout the "holiday season." Tomorrow my son and I start our journey via Bangkok, on to Auckland, Hamilton to see the whanau and then continue onto Samoa. I'm looking forward to the week-end in H-Town as self and my three sisters will all be together once more if only for a little while. Tau's doting Nana and Papa are coming up from Wellington to spend a few days with the little rascal so it's going to be one heck of a week-end. 
Monday self, my son and Lagipoiva are catching the same flight to Samunda and boy I've now worked myself up to much excitement about Christmas back home. I'm looking forward to seeing my mum and of course I'm sure she can't wait to see what the sewing elf has for her. OK I don't sew I take it to a local tailor who's now an expert at sewing puletasis for me mom for her many appearances for the paparazzi...eincho celebrity mamasan (right). 
I'm planning to make my way around MY Island of Savai'i and do the usual stops to see the family here and there and lose a couple of talas while at it. So depending on how well lined my pockets are with Christmas and all but I really do want to make the trip and take photos of Lealali's tattooing ceremony to my relatives that hosted us then and to the tattooist himself who asked for some pictures. I want to see the elders in our family while there.
I plan to not spend too much time with people that will just piss me off. I plan to spend time enjoying the beaches, waterfalls and places I miss most. I plan to go see our pastor and his wife to say hello when we go for the Christmas service. I look forward to the New Years service when the oldest people in our village get up to make speeches. However since the most popular guy Talimao passed away last year and our singing old Aunty passed also I wonder if the new oldies have brought their game this year. I will miss Talimao and my aunty Ailole's singing of 4 verses of a hymn to finish off their speeches.
I plan to visit my granma's grave and that's what I don't like about going back there, is the fact that my Grandma is not there. She was the constant presence, the pull to that place we called home and now years later, it's still not the same without her. I miss her and I think this will be my first Christmas back there without her. It's amazing how Grandma's passing just left a gaping hole where she once was. 


ReaderWriter said…
Talofa lava! I have enjoyed reading your blog. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's with your family : )
Malelega said…
Thank you and hope you still enjoy it! Yep I just saw this comment! Sorry for the slow response. Cheer and thanks for visiting my blog:)

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