
We've been, we've seen and we're pleased. We flew to Heathrow on March 3rd and drove to Oxford on the same evening. We checked into our hotel and waited for the scholar and Aute to come by. They didn't show up till about 2 hours later thank you very much. They'd just sat down to dinner when I called but I thought it wasn't long. Anyway it was so nice to them when they made it over. My little sister was accepted as a fellow in the Reuters School of Journalism at the Green Templeton College at Oxford University and went there to do her fellowship for three months. So it was a full on course and we managed to squeeze in the trip to go see her during her studies. We had lunch at her college a few times and met her classmates and some of her friends. We later joined her class for tea at the director's residence which was really nice. Tau made an impression on the Oxfordians as they passed him along and entertained him all evening which was great. The people were nice and the town was just beautiful. We visited a few colleges including the old and famous Christ Church which is one of the oldest colleges in Oxford.
We caught up with Austrian delegation for two days before Desiree had to return home. On the same day the Isle of Wight delegation arrived and unfortunately due to miscommunication we missed each other for a few hours that day. We caught up in the evening which was fabulous. I also fell sick that day not sure whether it was the cold but I came down with a fever and a runny nose. The next day I stayed in bed while the family went out to breakfast. It was terrible as I wanted to spend more time with my sister but I was just not fit for company. So I stayed in bed until they all returned from breakfast and then we all went to lunch at The Trout Inn at Port Meadow. It was a beautiful restaurant set next to a canal. Further down was an old monastery and pathways for walking. After a yummy lunch we strolled through the old monastery and by the river banks until it got too cold then we turned around and said by to my sister and brother-in-law who had to drive back south that day. We had such a lovely time with them it was sad to see them go.
We drove around the countryside for a bit and stopped near the Blenheim Palace and had tea in Woodstock village. It was nice then we dropped by my sister's place and hung out there for a bit until we went back to our hotel to sleep.


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