Haere Mai

We've had a fabulous time this past Christmas. My Mom, the Waikato delegation consisting of sister JJ, her hubby G and princess Moerangi all arrived the day before Christmas to spend it here with us. Very exciting times. Christmas day we woke up to the smell of yummy champagne breakfast prepared by Tau's nana Sue which consisted of croisants, ham, french toast, strawberries with chocolate dip, poached eggs and the lot topped off with champagne of course. So it was a scrumptious start to Christmas day.
Alex got busy with G to cook the turkey in the weber bbq. Nana Sue was busy in the kitchen all day as we come in and out to help clean and chop whatever was needed but Nana was in control of the menu for the Christmas lunch. My Mom and sis J were occupied keeping the kids entertained and at some point made it to their beds to have a nap. Come lunch time we all had our second wind and were ready to eat some more and party. Alex's Aunty Theresa and her family arrived with more food for lunch and then we sat down to tackle the turkey, lamb, ham and all the yummy desserts that followed. It's amazing how no self control can be exercised on such a day! After lunch we Grandpa Jim played Santa and distributed the presents from under the tree. It required the receiver of the present to dance their way to Santa before getting their present. It was a good laugh and fun. Many glasses of champagne and scoops of food later we were singing to Aunty Theresa's guitar strumming and taking turns playing the ukulele, dancing and trying to remember the lyrics to old songs. At around 12 the guitar player had to bid adieu as the kids were ready for bed and then we all called it a night, helped with the clean up and stumbled into bed.
It was a lovely lovely Christmas as my Mom made it and Tau had all of his living grandparents together that day:)


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