
Today was the first day the metro started running here in Dubai. The radio stations and newspapers also published the rules and regulations for the metro. The metro is the hopeful relief to the traffic problems here in Dubai so we'll see what happens. The traffic is still a major problem here. Nets drove to pick us up from the hotel which is 10 mins away from her so we could go to a friend's birthday breakfast and well she was still in traffic in the morning for 2 whole hours!!! The breakfast turned into a birthday lunch due to our tardiness thanks to the traffic.

We're currently at Nets and Rich's in Sharjah and having a ball. We haven't quite made it home just yet on our way from New Zealand.

It's my birthday
Two years in a row now I'm in the UAE for my birthday. I'm such a lucky girl. Nets got up early and made us all a lovely bacon and eggs breakfast. It was fantastico. Later in the evening the ladies of Dubai came over and we had a few drinks, laughs and danced a lot. It was a good evening indeed. Meanwhile Tau is fast asleep in the room(a lovely present from my darling son) and hubby was in Oman working. He arrived at 3am just when we couldn't stay on our feet:) Thanks to our darling friends Nets and Rich for such a lovely day. On top of that I got loads of well-wishes from family and friends which made me feel special:)

Dragon Mart
We went out tho Dragon Mart of Emirates Road in Dubai and what a place. It was a huge market place type of mall with everything you can think off and a cheaper price than you'd get anywhere else. Either they were the real thing or you could get a knock off of some good phones. They had dual sim cell phones which were pretty cool and reasonably priced. So that was an interesting trip.

We're still in the UAE with our friends. We're actually staying in Sharjah with Nets and Goose and it's great.
This is our daily routine.
7am wake up with Tau have breakfast then read a book or go on the internet. When eveyone's awake we have a tennis game on Wii. So the day continues with one challenging the other for another game. It's just a lot of fun. We have lunch and then out to do something or go swimming downstairs. Tau is at a no-fear stage with swimming. He just walks straight INTO the pool. Not even pause and jump it's just like he's walking along but the next step is off the edge and into the pool. Needless to say I was kept on my toes with eyes WIDE open watching him. He had fun and I sort of had fun running after him. Right now I hear Nets mixing something in the kitchen and Tau is in their chatting away to her like he's really talking. Nets is of course humouring him and they seem to be speaking the same language...heh heh She gonna kill me for that comment.


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