39 weeks and 5 days

So here I am, about to have baby. Baby's due this week-end. My darling husband is on his way right now from Oman so I'm a happy pregnant woman. I was a bit worried earlier in the week that I would go into labour without my husband but praise God he's on his way. Well that is if I don't have baby within the next 24 hours lol... Ok I don't think hubby would find that very funny...still. So thank-you Lord that things worked out with hubby's job and he could come on time.
My midwife came around today and everything's good and there's a possibility that I'll go into labour this week-end but it could also be next week. Baby will come when s/he's ready. Maybe s/he's waiting for daddy. Anyway this week I haven't been sleeping well and finally I can say that I've had enough now. I'm tired of just about living in the toilet and having to get up every hour at night to go. Maybe baby will feel this and come out soon. heh heh!
My Mom and my in-laws also arrive tomorrow so it's all go this week-end. Looking forward to everyone arriving and a change of routine for me. I've really enjoyed ME time in the past few weeks. I've read heaps and surfed the net for baby stuff and tried to take naps. Sleeping has been a bit difficult due to the toilet trips and as lots of people suggest that maybe it's nature's way of preparing us for getting up at night to tend to the little one.
Above all I am really looking forward to seeing our little blessing and just finally having the third member of our little family in my arms.


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