Growing older and the unborn!

It was hubby's birthday last week. I had bought his present three weeks before and he was duly surprised as he thought I forgot due to being busy with my course. I'm not that bad I think. Anyway as I could not fathom cooking a meal that was befitting the occassion we ordered out instead. It's moments like those, that there is a hint(note I said hint) of wishful thinking that I could cook more than sapasui and rice.
Anyway we have grown a year older yet again like everyone else obviously. So much has happened in the world within the past year. To narrow it down to the past few months, there's N. Korea testing nuclear bombs, Iran well on their way, US still at war in Iraq, the recent war in Lebanon, the recent earth quake in Hawaii the threat of one in Samoa to name a few.
It brings me to the subject of reproducing. One wonders is it worth bringing a child into this world of uncertainty and chaos? At this critical point in our lives of marriage and family life we are faced with these important questions. Is it selfish of one to have children knowing what one knows about our world or is it selfish not to have any and giving them the experience of living? Could it be plain denial of not wanting to be bothered raising children? Or is it being smart to quit while one's ahead? One wonders...


Anonymous said…
interesting post...hhhmmm..i think it varies..for me personally my other half thinks i'm selfish in not wanting to have kids now...but...a girl's gotta do what she genuinely wants..and that is...its just not the right may continue wondering but just wanting you to know that its natural to be in the same position. seems like you & hubby are living the dream and a couple years down kids would then complete the flix!
Anonymous said…
Take your time together and really make the most of "just us" time. It's normal, I too wonder if we should have another one but with schoolhouse shootings etc, etc.. It's very discouraging to want more. If we only lived in a "Utopia" society, than by all means, but???? Ciao...
Fotu said…
Being farrrr from any considerations of husbands and nappies, I'm not experienced to say but I guess it comes down to the person... All I know is that there are way too many babies brought into the world with little consideration to as to whether the parent/s are in any position to raise them right. When you're a young couple such as yourselves with as much as you have to give to lucky baby child, there are always risks, but I say... go on, have beautiful preddiful babies already!

Anonymous said…
hey hun, well you know me, we're pretty much in the same situation LOL we only spoke about it a couple of days ago. que sera sera, that's what I say. Don't think too much about it, I find over analysing things clouds up the water, luffs for u guys xxx

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