Passing away of our beloved Grandmother.

Our beloved grandma Faleasiu passed away on Good Friday 7pm 14th April 2006 at our home in Safua. We were all present and she chose a beautiful time to depart. We miss her greatly but we have been blessed to have had her for as long as we did. We learned so much from Grandma through her prayers, wisdom and teachings that has made us who we are today.


Peachy.. said…
Condolences to your family, she sounds just like my Ma. Ditto, they truly have formed all of us into the people that we are today.. Fa'amaise atu i le Aiga, loto tele o lo'o i ai le tou Tina i a'ao o le Fa'aola..
Malelega said…
Faafetai lava mo au upu faamafanafana mo le matou aiga. God Bless

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