Our Cairo family

Talaat and his wife Fifi, their daughter Ines and sons Andro and Antwan.

The lovely Gurgis family who really made us feel at home in Helwan Cairo. They let us into their home fed us with Egyptian food and made us feel very welcome that it was sad to leave. The story goes like this: Talaat has a brother named George who is married to a Samoan and lives in Apia at the moment. He owns a tv repair shop at the new makeki in Fugalei. I met them years ago in the Coast Bar in Apia and wasn't sure whether I was too cut or I was really talking to Egyptians in Samoa! Anyway they were really cool and Talaat and I made a pact to correspond by postcards as I really wanted a postcard from EGYPT. At least before I went there I could get a reminder that I must get there! cool huh! So after all these years as the story plays out Alex and I are in Oman and Cairo is about a stone throw away. So finally we made it and it was just a dream come true.