Blessing from Heaven

16 Apr 2013 4:11pm Everyone left baby and I alone this afternoon and I compiled an easy listening playlist to relax to with baby. I played an all time favourite in celebration Pale ua le So'o and felt the spirits of my grandma and strong ancestors, the mana of my mother and living supportive family and friends as I danced and sang on my bed and cried tears of joy, pride and gratefulness for the gift of life we have been blessed with once more. I cried that Manumailagi has arrived safely, I cried that he is perfect, I cried that he is strong and I cried for a future with him filled with love, joyful moments and endless possibilities. For this Blessing from Heaven I am forever grateful to our Heavenly Father. And together with Tauilagi I am complete and bask in God's Glory. Faafetai I le Atua.